Boston HarborPaul Revere MonumentFall Foliage in New England

Boston Harbor

Paul Revere Monument

The Freedom Trail

Fall Foliage in New England

Growing Up in Everett

Everett, Massachusetts is the hometown of Corvette Mike Vietro.  The following are excerpts from a great blog called “Growing Up Everett” by Paul Huffman.  Paul has compiled images, links and great notes of nostalgia from the days back in Everett.

Relive The Magic

Take a trip back on the Everett Time Machine to Kresge’s snack bar in Everett Square. Let’s drop another quarter in that tabletop jukebox at Vargis Diner.

We’ll yell our fool heads off at yet another Saturday Matinee at the Park Theatre. And then we’ll all head down to Glendale Park for another free Hoodsie on the Fourth of July.

From every neighborhood, and from every generation, we all got back together again to relive the best years of our lives. This is our story. This is our life . . .

We’re from Everett
And no one could be prouder
And if you cannot hear us
We’ll yell a little louder

Nostalgic Everett

Remember when we walked up and down the front steps to this building every day? Where did the time go? Reliving the good old days growing up in Everett is what this is all about.

Let’s talk about Vargis Diner, Kresge’s, the Old Waldorf, Gorins, Glendale Park, and the Saturday Matinees at the Park Theatre. Let’s visit the Big Burger on the Parkway, the Meadow Glen Drive-in, and Grants down in Glendale Square.

“Oh Yes….I worked at GORIN’S….got an early permit to work at age 15!
Walking all around EVERETT with a transistor radio….with my girlfriends…..listening to ‘who else’??? The Beatles –  “She Loves You” YEAH*YEAH*YEAH*”

“Awesome, heartwarming memories. Lots of snowy winters, beautiful Easter springs, hot summers at Revere Beach. And nothing beats the Fall Foliage!”
~Sheila Vietro

An MBTA train pulls into Everett station, at the end of the Orange line. I believe this picture was taken on the final day of operation, a train or two before the final run. Photographed by Ronald Karr in April of 1975. With many thanks to Ronald Karr for capturing this precious moment in time! Now this ought to bring back a flood of childhood memories of shopping in downtown Boston.

Right on the corner of Norwood and Broadway was that little outpost booth where the Everett Police surveyed everything going on in Everett Square. Right behind that was Kresge’s.

An added attraction to going shopping “down the Square” with your mother was sitting at Kreskie’s snack bar for a grilled cheese, a side of fries, a sliced dill pickle, and a Coke.

Turn the corner onto Norwood Street and you could shop for shoes at Weiners, buy thread at the sewing shop, and pick up some cold cuts at Gloria Market. You could then cross the street to Gorins, get your shoes fixed at the cobblers, and buy a record from Freddy at Everett Music. We’re really talking the golden hey days of shopping in Everett Square now.

And who could ever forget all the good times we shared at the Saturday afternoon matinees at the Park Theatre on Chelsea Street? Leo made Saturdays worth living for when we were growing up in Everett. That balloon breaking contest will stand out in our memories and hold an endearing place in our hearts that we shall cherish the rest of our lives.

We tore our popcorn boxes into a pair of goggles. We tore the end flaps off of our Junior Mints’ boxes to make noise blowers. And we threw Milk Duds at each other when the lights went out. That is until Leo shouted over the PA system, “If you kids don’t settle down we’re going to shut off the movie and send you all home!”

You know you’re getting old when they tear down your elementary school and don’t bother to build another one in its place. That’s what happened when they tore down the Horace Mann at the corner of Prospect and Lexington Streets.

We played punch ball before school. After school, we tried to play basketball on a court that leaned 15 degrees downhill. No famous basketball stars ever came from our neck of the woods.

H M’s monitored the halls. Our janitor, Mr. Dolan, was the greatest guy in earth. Our principle, Mr. Devenuti, lent an understanding ear to every dirty nosed boy who had to stand in the corner. And the milkboys got chocolate milk as a reward for all their hard work. Now those were the days!

Things have certainly changed over the years. The Centre Elementary School up on Broadway looks nothing like its former self. As a matter of fact, it’s now called the Whittier Elementary School. Many other cherished school memories include learning penmanship using the Rhinehart Functional Handwriting System, learning to read with Dick and Jane, those famous blue Lindy writing pens, and my favorite – No School Snow Days. Oh yeah, and the boys had to wear neckties and the girls had to wear skirts. Remember that?

And when was the last time you had to write out fifty school characters for talking in class? And how many spare copies did you write out so you’d be ready and waiting for next time?

For my first year in the 8th grade I had Miss McGrath for home room. For my second year in the 8th grade I had Anthony Sarno for homeroom. And for 9th grade I had Mr. Barbati for homeroom.

For mechanical drawing I had Mr. Athanasia , and Paul Chicoreli for wood working. My 9th grade history teacher was the one and only Maddie English. And remember the graduation exercises they held for us in the auditorium when we headed off to Everett High? Oh, the memories.

Things change. There’s no getting away from it. We had something special growing up in Everett. And that’s why we’re all getting back together again to reminisce about those good times we shared.

When you’re up – you’re up
And when you’re down – you’re down
But when you’re up against Everett
You’re upside down!